Saturday, January 9, 2010

Flex nimbo is Nationally recognized for Sports Performance Training Enhancement

Among the many interesting new products that were showcased as static stand alone use fitness equipment at the 2010 NSCA Sports Specific Strength Training Conference; Flex nimbo allows for real world movements and was shown to be a supplemental training solution which solves an open chain exercise problem. Because Flex nimbo works multiple joints and multiple muscle groups at once and it can be used with a number of those other types of fitness equipment that present an open chain or isolate single muscle groups and single joint exercise movements. National Strength & Conditioning Membership Director, Curtis Lords commented, "That's a very sports specific movement resistance product that will allow you to exercise in a multiple plane environment."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

MTV's True Life: Im a Mixed Martial Arts Fighter

Flex nimbo was featured on MTV's True Life: I'm a Mixed Martial Arts Fighter. Kit Cope is a Muay Thai world champion. But upon entering the world of MMA, he suffered extensive injuries that sidelined him for over a year. He now has one last shot at making his dream of becoming an MMA champion a reality. Kit trains with the Flex nimbo for strength, speed, balance and coordination. Training with the Flex nimbo, Cope's dreams of becoming an MMA champion became a reality. True Life | I'm A Mixed Martial Arts Fighter

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rubber Band Gear: Clinical research proves out why Flex nimbo is the more superior resistance band configuration for sports specific training.

Akron University (Dr. Ronald Ottersteter)

“overall energy expenditure was recorded highest in our subject wearing the Flex nimbo 76 lb band”

Baldwin Wallace University (Dr. Jaimy Lekan)

“The Flex nimbo is an overall training device that employs constant applied resistance bands from the shoulders to the extremities to increase the effectiveness of a workout surpassing all other forms of resistance band devices”

Influence of Flex Nimbo Equipment on Performance Variable in Male College Athletes

Resistance training (RT) increases muscle strength by putting a muscle against a weight or force that is greater than normally exerted. There are various training programs of RT that can be designed to increase muscle size and strength or focus on improving velocity of movement and endurance.

Skeletal muscle is a plastic tissue and will adapt to stimuli, however, it is also highly specific. Due to this specificity, sport strength and conditioning coaches are constantly seeking to find training programs and devices that mimic sport activity. The goal is to offer the most accurate and realistic stimulus possible to lead to maximal gains in athletic performance.

The Flex Nimbo is a training device that was designed bio-mechanically to mimic the human musculoskeletal structure. It claims to increase range of motion, joint stability, force generation, and strength, which will relate to improvements in sport performance.

A five-week study has been developed in order to test the effectiveness of Flex Nimbo in areas such as strength and performance, flexibility, and agility. The subjects will be 20 B-W male athletes; 10 will use Flex Nimbo during their work out routines and 10 will not. A pre- and post-test of the skills being tested will be used to assess the effectiveness of Flex Nimbo.